Eating a healthy diet prior to, during, and following cancer treatment is crucial. Surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, biological immunotherapy, radiation therapy, and/or hormone therapy are some examples of these treatments. A higher risk of malnutrition results from the fact that many people who undergo these procedures and drugs may experience a decrease in appetite and energy.

A healthy diet can strengthen your body’s defenses against cancer. Depending on whether you are having any side effects, you will have to adjust your diet throughout active cancer treatment.

You might not be able to eat anything like you used to when you have cancer and are receiving treatment. Trying to maintain a consistent weight is the major objective.

Among the foods are perhaps:

  • cheese, cream, and milk
  • eggs that are cooked
  • gravies and sauces
  • Oil, margarine, and butterĀ 
  • Lean sources like chicken, beans, fish, lentils and tofu
  • Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants
  • Whole grains provide energy and fibre. Your choices can include brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal and more
  • Healthy fats like avocado, seeds, nuts, and olive oil help maintain energy levels
  • Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for general health and can mitigate certain adverse effects of treatment, such as weariness and constipation.
  • Along with consuming lots of water throughout the day, think about including hydration fruits and vegetables like cucumbers and watermelon.

You should make an effort to eat a wide variety of high-calorie, high-protein foods in order to reduce weight changes, heal properly, and maintain your energy level to handle all the new problems life may offer.

The food suggestions a nutritionist gives you might not always seem like the right combination of nutrients. In case you are feeling weak or underweight, your care team might suggest that you stick to a high-protein, high-calorie diet. Paying attention to your diet might help you recover more quickly, even if you don’t feel well or want to eat.

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